Monday, February 27, 2006

The Impossibility of Being Real

I decided to delete a few of my previous posts last night because hubs raised his concerns about this whole blogging thing. He said if I were to reveal too much about myself some people might take it all the wrong way like the case of the chinese whisper where things are misconstrued. So, I am now reassessing my blog and whether there is any point in continuing with it. Hubs is all for me to blog just so long as I stay away from airing our issues out like hanging our dirty laundry in the public, I guess. I suppose I'm more of an open-book person. Deep down I know he's right about the human nature but I like to think that we humans are better/smarter than that.

I suppose we live in a very small town where gossip is the favourite past-time and words get around like wildfire. Not that I should be ashamed of anything I had written previously, because everybody has issues, every couple has disagreements, arguments and frustrations. That's only normal (read: "Everyone Is Normal Until You Get To Know Them" by John Ortberg). But not everyone is mature and wise enough to see that. It's human nature to make assumptions, talk about other people and make our own comments and some are worse than others. So, we just have to becareful who we tell things to, my husband says. Well, I suppose he's right but I'm disappointed that the world we live in makes it hard for people to be real.

Anyway, that's all I have to write about for now. I'm still coming to terms with this impossibility. How can we be real to one another if we cannot trust each other to be real, and, if we cannot trust people not to turn around and use our authenticity to boost their own ego or for their entertainment and benefit?

Men and women can be so cruel. And I am angry that we live in a world where being real is such a near impossible task because we are so cruel to one another, yet there's a deep longing in each and everyone of us to be accepted for who we really are.


Mother Superior said...

Hi Mid S, SK has a point and worth heeding to. Blogging is great, it chystallises a lot of our thoughts and inner feelings. But being in a small community, there is wisdom in not letting personal details out. Still, all said, love your writing, love your posts. We've missed each other for about two decades, so it's good to know you in another way. :-D

Mother Superior said...

By the way, your links still link to google and

John14:6 said...

Jomel: Keep writing and wringing your heart out in that precious blog of yours because grieving is all part of the healing process and roller coaster emotions are all part of the grieving process.

To be real is very liberating. You'll never be the same, you'll only be a better person for it. Thank God that Jesus is the lover of our soul!

Big S: Thanks for the wise advise. I'm working through this issue of privacy v being real issue and hope I'll find a balance somewhere. I'll be coming a visiting to Spore...

P/S-Good thing you told me about the link. Never clicked on it myself. It' now fixed though. Thanks!