Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Good Value People

Ever met good value people in your lifetime? Everyone is precious in God's eyes, I know, so everyone is valuable, but not everyone influences your life as much as some do.

I went for a walk and swim (yes, that's the pool in the picture) today with my friend, MM. She amazes me. If I hadn't known MM, I'm not sure if I would do half the things I do up here, or had lasted as long as I had up here. She's one of those people that makes me feel that I can take on things that I'd think impossible - yes, she empowers me as an individual and as a parent. She listens and reflects so well - so well it puts me, a trained counsellor, to shame.

MM is my answered prayer. She was there when I rang at the maternity ward here to find out the birthing facilities. MM went over and above her call of duty and filled me in on what to expect up here. She provided me with information about what I would need and not need and she assured me that I would be alright. There I was talking to a total stranger who could have been my angel but she was flesh and blood, and expecting her first baby around the same time I was. We both ended up having boys, 3 weeks apart.

Having left all my good friends behind in Sydney and Singapore, I now have to build new relationships. I often pray for at least one friend I could talk to at my level and about the kind of things I am interested in, someone whom I can hit it off with. MM does that and more. She challenges me to think beyond my comfort zone and inspires me to do things I'd never have been interested in.

Everyone needs a friend like MM who is walking the same path at one point or another of their journey in life. They are rare, like this red tailed (can't see the red in this pic) black cuckatoo we saw on our walk home from the pool, but thank God they are around.

So, this post is for all the MMs in my life that I've met over the years. You've influenced my life just by being yourself and without even trying hard.


Anonymous said...

hello there! I've just surfed onto your blog, so perhaps i'm your first anonymous 'friend'! :) anyways, i've really enjoyed reading what you had to write - perhaps it's because i'm in a similar sort of situation; well, similar in that i'm newly married and choices about babies v career are currently on my mind. career's really impt at the moment, but of course, the thought that if i died tomorrow and all i have to show are a couple of published book chapters with my name on it, then hm, would that satisfy me? or would leaving behind a loving family and having had the experience of creating a young family be better? oh well. i look forward to reading more. greetings from europe! :)

John14:6 said...

Hi Pam! Yes, those are very important and not easy questions we face, and probably many more to come in time! Keep reading coz I've got more to share over time. Would love to just sit and write the whole day but have to restrain myself.

There's nothing wrong pursuing a career of interest so long as you put things in perspective, prioritise and keep balanced. Something I'd love to write about soon.

Invariably, we'll have to make decisions that means letting go of something but we can trust in the fact that God's got our life all planned out even if it seems like we're a bit out of place at this point of our journey.

Keep asking the tough questions coz that means you're living life with a passion!

John14:6 said...

BTW, Pam & Big S, thank you so much for encouraging me to keep writing!

Mother Superior said...

You are one of my "great value" friends, dear! Do write more, it's in you, Mid S.

John14:6 said...

Mother Superior, my good-value friend, without you I would not have started blogging!