Sunday, May 07, 2006

My Creative Side

Today I decided to spend some time beautifying myself. I took out all my nail care product and gave myself a manicure. I'm so glad I did because I had so much fun and rediscovered the reason to why I did a nail technology course. I kind of lost interest in the nail care side of things since my son was born. My nail care prior to today only involved clipping all my nails short every couple of weeks. No filing, hand massage, soaking in softener, pushing back and trimming the cuticles, buffing and putting on nail polish. Doing the works was very relaxing.

I must be coping better with motherhood now because last week, I suddenly got this urge to do a bit of decoration around the house. I've been wanting to make my son's room a bit more colourful and turn it into a room he can play as well as sleep in but the motivation to getting round to it was a bit lacking. And I finally got sick of having work papers mingling amongst my personal paperwork and decided to turn the guest room into my office.

I went down to the one and only furniture store in town and paid through the nose for an office chair with arm support and I also bought a rug (kid's size only because I wanted to be able to move it easily to still clean the floor without more work) in this sudden burst of change. It was only later that I thought perhaps I should have done the shopping online to save a bit but then I would have had to wait at least 2 weeks before I got what I wanted right away. All enthusiasm would have probably simmered by then! So much for retail therapy online! I must say, this is a real bummer about living here.

Anyway, I thought I show/share what I've done! I was going to critique on the surmon today about being a moral agent but just had to get this out of my system first before I went on to something more serious... hehehe.


Richard said...

Sofia complains that since she became a mother, she has not had the time to take care of herself (manicure, pedicure, etc) – even worse now that she is alone with the kids 4 or 5 days a week.

The problem is that she doesn’t seem to want to understand that I love her just the way she is (of course, this line just gets the counter-argument, "But I want to do it for myself.").

I notice Sofia suddenly gets the urge from time to time to redecorate (usually moving the furniture around) - something else I don’t understand. What is wrong with the furniture where it was? One big difference between Sofia and me is that I am highly functional and she is highly esthetic.

Nice pictures, thanks for sharing.

Mother Superior said...

I like the relaxed part of you, gal. Very good work on manicure.

John14:6 said...

Richard: Haha... sounds like another classic example from "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus".

If I leave the house decorations to my husband, he'll be pretty functional too minus the aesthetics but I know for a fact that he appreciates the colours I put in the home. He likes it although he wouldn't necessarily go through the trouble of hunting for them and then doing the place up himself.

I suppose that's why men and women are supposed to be complimentary as God made us to be.

Taking care of ourselves is very important for women's self-esteem. A little time and money spent on manicure and pedicure go a long way with how we feel about ourselves and you'd get to appreciate the overflow effects too so don't underestimate the women's need for that.

John14:6 said...

Mother-Superior: Thanks ! :D If feels good.

FishyOct said...

wow, that's a nice room you have came out with - i specially like the quilt ;)

John14:6 said...

Fishy Oct - I've been on holidays and have just seen your comment.

The quilt was all hand made and I fell in love with it when I was in Sydney and couldn't resist myself. I didn't craft it myself... no patience myself to sit and sew it.