Monday, July 25, 2011

Hearing God

There are doctrines out there that says that God doesn't reveal and speak to us like He did with Moses and prophets anymore.  They say that He now only speaks to us through the written word of God.  All prophets who profess to be a prophet is a false prophet regardless.  I can't understand why people would say that.  The write well thought out arguments for their beliefs but you know what, I am still not convinced that God does not speak to us through prophets, gifts of knowledge, dreams and visions etc anymore.

To me, knowing God and having fresh revelations everyday is the reason for my trust in Him.  Without that relationship, it is but religion.  Being a Christian would mean nothing more than attending church, singing some songs, reading the bible and staying away from trouble.  BORING.  Christianity is much much more than that.  Those are only the tip of the iceberg stuff.  If one thinks that's all Christians should aspire to be and do, then that's all one will ever experience.

As for me, I hunger for His presence and for Him to speak to me.  I want to be like Moses who spoke to God face to face.  The bible says Moses was the most humble person on earth alive!  (Nums 12:3) and he doesn't even have to decipher any dreams and visions and receive revelations in bits and pieces.  God spoke to him clearly the bible says.

I don't know about you, that sounds much more interesting than reading a manual and not driving the car.


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