Friday, March 31, 2006

What's your story?

I learnt that everyone of us has an important story to tell. Not just the best sellers, but normal people like you and me. That story makes us who we are and why we think and react the way we do. There's a therapy called Narrative Therapy where one's history is told or written, and from there a consciousness of what was lacking in the person's history is inventoried. The author then re-authors his life as he faces the future with the consciousness he now has of his past.

If you were to re-write your history, what would you have changed? How would you have liked to have related with the significant people in your life? How would you have handled the different difficult issues and people in your life? What would you have to unload moving forward? Tough questions, that require tough answers.

On the other note, when you meet people, remember that they have a story themselves. There's no right or wrong stories, just stories. Some sad stories, some happy stories, some uplifting stories, some simple day-to-day stories but all of them make them who they are today. Some are more open to telling their stories because they have come to terms with them and know that's not the end of their story yet. But there are some who prefer to hide them because they have problems coming to terms with their story and cannot move forward.

Finally, whether the things that happened to us are a blessing or a curse (for a beautiful story by Max Lucardo, read here) we do not know because our story has not yet ended and we may never know until we see God face to face. We can but make the best of what we know and can change and leave the rest to him, who is the author and finisher of our faith.

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