Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Time flies. I didn't realize I haven't blogged for 5 days! A bulk of my time is used to tend to my son. From the time he wakes till the time he sleeps. The only time I have to myself is when he sleeps - an hour and a half in the afternoon and after 8pm in the night. Sometimes I feel like just going to bed right after myself, but since it's the only time I have to myself, I fight to stay up no matter how little sleep I had the day before. When he doesn't sleep in the afternoon and wakes up every 3 hours in the night, I feel like I'm at breaking point. This week has been a bit like that.

So I haven't had much inspiration to write. I've just been enjoying reading my friends' blogs which is great at times like this. Jay-walk's blog has made me laugh a lot - thank you! Jomel's has ministered to my soul - thank you. Mother-Superior's has made me thankful I don't have to raise my child in Singapore's education system - I take my hat-off to you! I usually don't have lots of time to read a lot of blogs so I keep it to just a few and it's been worth a read.

Right now, I've got a gastro pain and a very sore throat. I hope it clears by tomorrow. So, I'm just gonna climb into my bed. Nite-nite!


Anonymous said...

Blogging is merely a hobby but I must warned that it may be addictive enough to turn into an obsession.

You must agree that there are other things in our daily lives that are more important than blogging. So make sure that they are being attended to first.

Don't worry about not updating often enough. Most of us are using Bloglines ( to help keep track of each other's blogs i.e. we don't have to goto the blogs every now and then just to see if there is an update.

Bloglines will automatically notify the user once there is an update.

In case you are wondering how I am able to blog on a daily basis, let me just sum it up in a few words.

1) Routine - I set aside a bit of time each day to blog. Once you have that slot of time allocated, you will have othblogID=22586006

Mother Superior said...

Hope your sore throat has cleared thsi morning. Thanks for giving me credit about my blog. I wish I can be more inspirational and personal but I am rather creful myself on not spilling out the beans too much, as requested by Hubs.

I am soooo thankful we can connect this way. I wish we can get Small S on board too when she's ready. Do update me on her situation yah? Luv ya and hugs!!!

John14:6 said...

Anon: Thanks for the tips. Yes, blogging's only a hobby that musn't turn into an obession. It's easy for a hobby to turn into an addiction, though. Like most things, one's got to work on a balance all the time. I do generally try to set aside a time for blogging... but sometimes it's a rubberband time-depending on my mood!!!

Mother-Superior: I'm better today thanks. Ky gave me a 5hr stretch sleep last nite! A few more of those and I'd be as good as gold.

Yeah... I reckon there must be a compromise somewhere with how open we can be with our blogging - a happy medium for both of us... still working that out!

Will check on with Small S soon.