Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Baa Baa Rainbow Sheep

I saw on the news last week about the change from Baa Baa Black Sheep to Baa Baa Rainbow Sheep . I copied this extract below:

" Nursery school bosses ordered the words of the rhyme Baa Baa Black Sheep to be altered to Baa Baa Rainbow Sheep. The change was made to avoid offending children after teachers examined the nursery's equal opportunities policy. Stuart Chamberlain, manager of the Sure Start Centre in Oxford, could not explain why children might be offended. But he said: "No one should feel pointed out because of their race, gender or anything else. "We've taken the equal opportunities approach to everything we do. "This is fairly standard across nurseries. We are following stringent equal opportunities rules." "

I think this is political correctness taken too far. I'm asian and I don't mind if people use terms like nip, slanty eyes or ching chong if they're using them in jest. I think, what matters more is the context of which they are used. If they are being used in a discriminatory context out of pure prejudice then I would be offended but if they are used because it sounds funny and the person is bringing across a point, then I won't get offended.

For minority groups to feel offended because the word "black" is used when black can also refer to a colour (black sheep do exist!) is taking their right too far. But I think it's not the black people that are upset but rather brainless people interpreting the anti-discriminatory law in a literal manner rather than "in the spirit of the law".

How ludricrous! It's a perfect example of an under-developed logical depth in the issue and theory of ethics!

Anyone care to reason with me?


Richard said...

Ananova is not exactly the most reputable news source around ;-)

It is true that in the United States the black people have a lot of anger and issues regarding discrimination. Black used to be the preferred term for them until about 15 years ago or so, and now people of colour is preferred.

There were two incidents involving Japanese friends of mine. I was out with one and someone's name came up. She was not sure who he was and I described him as black. At that moment, she turned to me very angrily and said, "Never call me a yellow woman!" It was the only time I had seen her angry. Turns out she had gone to some racial sensitivity training at the university and referring to people by colour was deemed not appropriate. Of course, I would have described her as Asian, not yellow anyway.

A while later, I was out with another Japanese friend and were discussing why she wanted to leave Japan and she said: "I am a banana - yellow on the ouside and white on the inside."

Clearly what one person finds offensive another might not. And I agree, context and intent are vital in what is being said.

I always remember the following No offense is given where none is taken (I am pretty sure it is from Star Trek, but I cannot find a cross reference).

John14:6 said...

Richard, I saw the news on the local TV here in Australia so it's pretty reliable. I only went on the net to get more details and Ananova was the first site that came up in google. Saw others reporting similarly but it was the shortest so I copied it from there! Thanks for letting me know about their reputation though... must admit I didn't check that out and didn't read any other stuff on their site.

And yes, agree with the saying totally!

BTW, the moderation thing, sorry abt that. Just don't like to have my site linked to some other site that I wouldn't want others to go to... there was once a guy left a nice comment and I checked out his site and turned out he writes saucy love making stories on his site (predominantly)... so I didn't publish the comment coz of the automatic link to his site. Just my convictions...

Richard said...

Ok, I now understand your reason for moderation.

To date, I have seen no reason to moderate mine.

I wonder if you are talking about a site I came across (from Elvina's blog I think, where he had left some nice comments) ... but there are so many, some interesting, some dull, some abandonned, some offensive, some angry, some sad, some lonely ...

John14:6 said...

Richard, not sureif it's the same guy. Haven't been to Elvina's site.

No personal prejudice against the guy but I like to keep my site free from steamy sex stuff. People get enough of that from pornographic and other sites already. Plus, not interested to know what his love life is like...

drcrab said...

It's not just about rainbow sheep - they are opposing 'three little pigs' because it might offend the Muslims (so they don't read it at some kindergartens), 'humpty dumpty' because it had a sad ending and they didn't 'put him together again', hot cross buns at easter (because it's offensive to some?), and christmas lights are now banned and are now referred to as 'winter/celebration lights'.

go figure that out.

John14:6 said...

Yes, Drcrab, personally I think movements like these are a reflection of our society today and I find that sad but that's the reality of the world we live in and the type of issues my son will have to face.

Do I teach him to respect all races and people or do I teach him to please the people that are making the most noise so he doesn't get into trouble? I think I'll teach him to respect all individuals but also that not everyone that makes a lot of noise is right and to have a mind of his own in the midst of many convincing but empty cause.