Thursday, April 06, 2006

Friday comes, Friday goes

I'm feeling better today until I realised that the week is almost over. If time goes as fast as it does now, very soon I'll be in my 40's and my son would be in school.

Talking about school, I remember when I used to sit in the classroom listening to my teachers. Most of them would probably had been in their early 20's. I used to think how much older they were. Now I'm in my mid-thirties and can't believe how fast each day and week passes by. Apart from the greater knowledge I now possess of life and a greater depth and understanding of the world I live in, I really do not feel like I'm 35. Memories of my teenage days does not seem so far away yet talking to my old friends now is a reality check of how much time has gone by.

I would never have thought that I would have to think about finances, investment, retirement, leaving an inheritance but most of all about leaving a legacy. It's Friday again and it's not going to slow down either.

One theory in developmental studies say that a person is more likely to accept old age when one feels that he or she has left a legacy they can be proud of. I also found out that mid-life crisis does not have to happen to everyone - only those who have trouble accepting the progession in the life-cycle.

If there was just ONE thing you would like to leave behind for the generations to come, what would that be? Time sure isn't slowing down for us...


Mother Superior said...

If there's one thing I'd like to leave as legacy, it'd be some character traits. We've started some character studies at home with kids though the journey is gonna be a loooong one. We followed the series from Inst of Basic Living Principles and for kids, they have a whole set of character traits for studies for kids and adults.

Interestingly, quite a lot of schools have also picked up the programme though they leave out all the Bible bits. Last year in MGS, Faith was taugth four character traits such as Responsibility, Attentiveness, Obedience, etc. Last week, kids came back with a new trait: Deference. Gosh! I didn't even know what that means, so the checking up of dictionary and all just inspired dinner talk a little. Oh, other traits were Hospitality, Courage, etc.

Hmmm... seems like I need to learn more than kids sometimes.

One other legacy thing I'd like to leave would be "tangibles" like my blog and video of moi singing...

Anonymous said...

I embarked on penning down my thoughts as far back as the early 90s but back then it didn't occur to me that I should have them archived.

Now a little bit older and a little bit wiser, I've restarted my journey via the blog as this is my life-long project.

Eventually, they will be compiled into a book (none of the fancy smancy digital media crap) and pass them down as family heirlooms.

With every new offspring, a new volume will hopefully be added and slowly populate what would eventually be known as the Family Library.

Pretty big dreams huh?

John14:6 said...

Mother Superior: Character traits... yes, very important to have strong future generations.

Wah such big words for 8 year olds. Deference... I also had to look it up! :o) BTW, Is it hard to get into MGS?

Jay Walk: Young men have visions, old men dream dreams... so if it's your vision to have a strong family tradition in blogging, then go for it! I like the sound of it. May even copy the concept, if you don't mind... ;)